Pre-Gay L.A.
by C. Todd White
"This is a very important book to the Gay community. Every Gay and Lesbian should own it and read it. Every Gay and Lesbian should know it as well as every school kid should know about the American Revolution"
– Jerald L. Brown, Author, Key to Biblical Doctrine
Pre-Gay L.A. is the story of the gay liberation movement as it began in Los Angeles and changed forever the United States and the world. The stories of the lives of these few people and what they did for us is astonishing. Because of them, we can send gay-oriented mail through the United States Postal Service. They took their case to the United States Supreme Court and won. Because of them, police no longer arrest gay people simply for looking gay, because they won their case in court, putting their own lives and reputation on the line to stand up for a principle.
Gays and Lesbians in America take their freedom for granted, but these people did not. They fought for what you have today.
Pre-Gay L.A. is a scholarly work written by C. Todd White.
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